What a feeling!


The proof copy of In Kala’s Hands arrived in my mailbox today. Seeing my first novel in print is overwhelming. I happened to be with a friend when we saw the mailman delivering to my complex. Sure, I made a fool of myself as I opened the package in a frenzied state of anticipation. I proceeded to display it to the mailman explaining my excitement. After his obligatory congratulations, I got back into the car, and yup, I broke down and cried.

I’ve thanked my cyber friend/writing coach, Derek Haines, repeatedly over the past six years, but honestly, I don’t think he has the slightest idea just how much I appreciate him. I’m certain I wouldn’t be holding a proof copy of my book in my hands if not for his mentoring. Taking a picture of the book and sending it to Derek, along with my two sons, delighted me to no end.

Locating errors before giving approval to print is an important task all writers take seriously, and I plan to follow suit. Thanks for checking in on my updates.

*** Another friend just texted a message and asked if he could bring over a bottle of wine to celebrate my book. Being called an author is starting to kick in, love it!

Mary 🙂

Derek Haines new book: http://www.amazon.com/Eyes-That-Could-Kill-ebook/dp/B00CVUYJKE/


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